鄞州 发表于 2020-5-27 10:20:01


There are still one and a half hours to go , we needn't be insuch a hurry .
I hardly need say how much we missed you .不用说我们是多么想念你啊。
Need you go so soon ?你需要这么早就去吗?
You need have no anxiety on my account .你不必为我而着急。

注意,need 也可以作实义动词,后跟不定式need to do,此时它可以用于肯定句。
He needs to go.
He didn’t need to come so early.
区别情态动词和实义动词用法,主要看有没有to,有没有加s, 否定词有没有放在need前面,有则为实义动词;而情态动词的否定词要放在need之后。

dare , dared(用于否定句、疑问句和疑问句)敢
Dare you stay here alone in the night ? 你敢在夜里呆在这儿吗?
Nobody dared mention that matter. 没有人敢提那件事。
How dared you say that to her ? 你怎么敢对她说那件事?
Even if you dare do it , I won't allow you to because it's too dangerous .

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